All About Cigars

Without a doubt, cigars are synonymous with luxury; cigar rolling is an art form dating back to the 10th century, the craftsmanship and time that goes into each cigar, are part of what makes cigars relatively lavish products.

As great wines are characterized by their vineyards, cigars are equally defined by the lands on which the tobacco is grown. The climate, soils and growing skills that go into each tobacco plant are the heart of every cigar. Which cigar country is the best is a highly debated topic, but that variety is what makes enjoying cigars, constantly exciting.

Cigars will typically be a blend of different tobacco to produce different tastes and strengths. The master blender creates the recipe and supplies the roller with the appropriate formula as the very first step in the manufacturing process.

The next step in creating a cigar is the rolling process; the leaves are pressed together by hand, before being placed on a binder leaf, a flat and more elastic tobacco leaf. The leaf roller then rolls the bunch of leaves together, cuts them and places them carefully into

 the wooden mold, ready for pressing, a process which takes around 1 hour.

After pressing these molds, they move onto the rolling tables, where they’re wrapped in the wrapper leaf, a more beautiful and supple leaf that’s been cut in half, using great finger dexterity and experience to make the final roll.

Cigars after careful inspection are then aged for up to 6 months whereby the different tobacco blends are able to “marry” or fully blend, this is what creates a smooth smoke.

When you enjoy a cigar, you’re enjoying a culture and craftsmanship that has taken centuries to perfect, you’re enjoying a piece of culture taken from the lands of which the cigar originates.